Arabic books

Why men Love Mozzaz

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The title of the book: Why men Love Mozzaz

Publishing House: Al-Krma

the name of the author:  Ehab Moawad

Other works of the author: Set Amina Catalog - Men from Boulaq and Women from Awal Faisal - Will You Also Get Married Again - Chemo Shahryar Gathering - Si El Sayed Catalog

number of pages: 260

Release Date: 2018

About the book: I saw her with my own eyes entering the library as she turned left and right, and when I was sure that there was no one else, in a second she snatched the book and hid it behind her back. Honestly, at first - and despite her elegant appearance - I expected that she would steal the book and walk away, but suddenly I found her moving again, with great tension, towards the cashier.. She pushed and ran outside.

About the author: Interior designer and journalist, holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Diploma in Counseling, has several works.

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